ls the Sunbeam Kosher phone the solution?

ls the Sunbeam Kosher phone the solution?

We are wondering what your thoughts are on this unique new Phone.

For those who want to stay away from Technology.

Please write your opinion,

Do you think that this is a solution to the Problem of the Internet?

Did you test this phone to see how the Quality Service is?

Do you think it needs to be a flip phone to be kosher?

Does it need to be manufactured Kosher?

What do think about the features that the phone comes with, do you think that kosher should be talk only, talk and text, or Talk, text,talk to text, weather, GPS, ETC.


 Please share your thoughts.


Thank you

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1 comment

I don’t recommend the sunbeam phone, a whole day busy charging the phone, really bad battery

Sam Gross

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